3 Drinks That Have Way More Sugar Than You Think
The message that soda is bad for your teeth and your overall health is hard to…
What Are Tooth Fillings Made Of? (Hint: Not Frosting!)
Ask anyone over the age of 40 and they’ll tell you that getting a dental…
The Role of the Dental Assistant in Your Health
Dental assistants are often described as the dentist’s right hand. They are…
The Fast Magic of Dental Bonding
If you need a chipped tooth repaired or want a fast and relatively affordable…
Do Drugstore Teeth Whitening Products Work?
The most effective and best teeth whitening treatment you can receive is a…
Is Tooth Polishing Necessary?
We know that for most of our patients, their favorite part of a dental cleaning…
5 Things You Didn’t Know From Dental Care History in the U.S.
We’ll bet the early history of dental care and dentists in the United States is…
What Is Toothpaste Made Of?
These days people are being more and more conscious of what’s in the food they…
A Fun Timeline of Early Dental History
From magic spells to seeing the barber for a toothache, caring for teeth has a…
A Small Bite of History About Dentures
As dental professionals, our ultimate goal is for every one of our patients to…